15 Day Book Blogger Challenge: Day 2

Status update: Just finished reading Rise by Anna Carey, the final installment in the Eve Trilogy. Review will be out later today. Currently reading A Touch Morbid by Leah Clifford and LOVING it.

The prompt for today’s challenge is What’s your bedtime reading ritual?

If I’m really into a book, I will read until my eyes threaten to pop out, until they severely burn from starring at the little black (sometimes red) letters for so long that they blur into a hazy mess of ink. Yeah, I’m that dedicated. Sleep deprivation, insomnia by choice, pots of coffee, and/or a bowl of popcorn; nothing will stop me from finishing. But to be honest, most nights aren’t life or death, I must finish this book or I will spontaneously combust, sleep be damned. No, most nights are much less dramatic and a lot more casual.

On the average night, I grab my iced coffee, cradle it to my chest for perfect sipping range and lean against the wall, Indian style, book in hand, every couple seconds shifting my coffee to the crook of my arm so that I can flip the pages. Usually I will switch positions several times to get comfortable, on my stomach, on my side, legs up against the wall. I don’t ever really plan on sleeping anytime soon once I get situated with my book. There’s just something so comforting, so cozy about lounging in bed with a good book, strong coffee, and a warm blanket. For me, a book without coffee is like a cupcake without icing. My bedtime, daytime, whenever time book reading ritual will always include a cup of joe, hot, iced, doesn’t matter. A couple hours later, coffee gone, book at least half finished, I tuck the book under my pillow, and finally get to sleep.


What are your rituals?


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